Installing the latest Zune 4.0 Software on Windows Server 2008

Step 1: Download the latest Zune software from (which should be the single file ZuneSetupPkg.exe).

If you just run ZuneSetupPkg.exe you will get this lovely message:


I can only assume Windows Server 2008 is not supported to save on QA time yet the software is running fine for me.

Step 2: Start-up a cmd.exe prompt with Administrator rights.image_4

Step 3: Navigate to the downloaded package and extract all the files it contains by typing ZuneSetupPkg.exe /x


which will ask for a destination directory


Step 4: CD to the x64 folder (I have to assume if you are running Windows Server 2008 you are using the 64 bit version) and then the packages folder.image_8

Your command prompt should look similar to



Step 5: Install the zune-x64.msi using msiexec.  Type: msiexec /i zune-x64.msi



Step 6: Run the Zune.exe software from the start menu and enjoy.

IMHO, the Zune software is MUCH better than iTunes!  I wish I had switched sooner (and I might have if it was easier to install).

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